Friday, November 04, 2005

Oh lovely rain, how I adore thee. I dreamed of you during the summer and now you have come! Seriously, I'm loving the torrents of rain we're getting. Fall *IS* my time of year.

We didn't do much today. I made some spinach-ricotta ravioli for dinner, picked up the house, swept, did numerous loads of dishes and laundry, got in a few rows of knitting and started my new book (once it was banned, called "The Egyptian").

Jason came home early as he is working tomorrow and he spent a good amount of time playing with the kids while I made what seemed like thousands of ravioli. We had them with a tomato cream sauce and they were really quite good. I had a whole tray of them that I didn't use, so I'm freezing them for use later. Ethan really liked them and since they are very easy to eat with the hands, they'll make a good lunch for him. Good way to sneak in the veggies too.

Gwen has slept through the night the last two nights. Basically from 11pm to about 5am. So nice. I can usually get her back to sleep for another hour or so after feeding her. This sleep, combined with my newly upped dosage of Zoloft seems to be keeping me on a fairly even keel. I still get moments of frustration and stress, but it no longer seems overwhelming. My lows are not depressive.

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