Last week I took the older kids to the doctor for their yearly checkup. I love doing that. For one, our pediatrician is a wonderful woman who remembers us from visit to visit (even though we only see her once a year) and is great with kids AND she's totally cool with whatever we want to do regarding immunizations and such. I also love to hear how my kids are growing. Here are the numbers.
Weight: 33.8lbs (50-75%)
Height: 40 inches (75-90%)
How come she always looks so tiny when she is not just average, but even a little bigger than average? And let this be a lesson to mothers out there who are worried about their babies not being on the percentile charts. Little miss was always teetering on the weight percentile, falling off it completely a few times. But she eventually caught up to normal in her own good and natural time.
Weight: 45.8 lbs (90-95%)
Height: 46.5 inches (95-97%)
Wow! We knew he was tall, but we had no idea he was that much taller than average. He's gonna be a tall one. I've been telling him that he'll soon pass me up and at this rate, well, I'm thinking that by 10 or so (maybe earlier!) he will be my heigth.
Both of them did have to get a shot :( Gwen was a trooper, stating, "That really hurt" in a calm voice. But Ethan thrashed and cried and fought. Broke my heart! But he did get it eventually. To calm the waters, I treated them to TCBY afterwards. They loved that!
This last weekend Mom took the kids overnight on Friday. It was the first overnight trip for Elsa and she did great! In fact, it was Ethan who woke my Mom up during the night and not the baby! We were so glad to hear that Elsa did well because the last weekend in June its likely we'll be going to Cincinnati for 3 nights to check out the area and the kids will be with Mom. Can I just say what a blessing my parents (and siblings!) are to me? They are. And I hope that I can return their support and love and service as much as they've given to me.
Anyway, Saturday morning, while we were still kidless, I was browsing Craigslist for a swing set (I've been looking for weeks and weeks to find one cheap enough and close enough) and found one. J called on it right away and we talked the guy down $10, not much but enough to cover gas, and it was ours. So we drove up to Stanwood to pick it up and it was in GREAT condition. Only used once, and packed away out of the weather. We came home, assembled it and went to bring the kids home so they could see it. Oh man. They love it! They are out there at 6am and still are swinging at 8pm. Best $90 we've ever spent.
My garden is growing well. My sugar snap peas are out, though my one plant has only give me two. The other has given me many more, though not enough for a meal. Aren't they lovely?
I did a revamp of some squares, since so many things didn't grow thanks to my incompetence (next year will be better...). I planted a hardy spinach hybrid that grows well in all seasons in 4 boxes, tossed my sage and replaced with tarragon and tossed my thyme and replaced it with a larger one that will hopefully grow! Parsley is going strong and is delicious. Parsley salads are yum. Cilantro is taking well and has started putting out new growth. Tomatoes continue to grow and blossom. I'm hoping for a great harvest from them in another month or two. Basil is also doing well. If nothing else, I have to remember that this garden is getting us outside more, its teaching the kids (and me) about plants and their life cycles and how to best support, or damage, that cycle.
The kids have been doing reading lessons each day and loving them. Its amazing what a difference a few months makes. What frustrated and bored Ethan earlier this year is a joy and challenge to him now. I'm not sure if Gwen will follow this through to completion or not. She likes it, but she is still so young. I'm following her lead. If she loses interest we won't continue, but so far she's enjoying it. I ordered a handwriting book for Ethan and its below his level. But that's ok... I really just wanted him to practice his hand strength. I like this style and some of the letter formations are a bit different than how he learned in pre-k so the practice helps reinforce the slightly different style too.
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