Remember me? Kristi, stay-at-home Mom to three kids? I used to blog. Well good news, I'm blogging again!
Because I'm so far behind I'm going to break these into a couple different posts so you don't have to read a novel to catch up with us :)
So. Two weeks ago we headed out to Spokane to visit with the eastern WA relatives. The trip went fairly well. Surprisingly the baby was the best behaved both there and back! I have no pictures because I had no camera. Boo :( Speaking of cameras, we finally got some professional pictures taken of Elsa while we were there getting a whole family portrait. Good times. I have a copy of it here, but no actual picture. Those are coming in a few weeks. This is the first professional picture she's had, ever.

After we returned home, we had a crazy whirlwind week. Where to begin with it... well, first Jason heard rumors that they were going to close the data center at his work. He doesn't work in the data center but his job was at risk too. You can imagine what dread this put in our hearts. I'll get to that in a later blog post, but that was on our mind all last week.
Then both kids had their graduation picnics at a local park. ON different days. I feel so bummed about Ethan's because I still had no camera and I brought the video camera but the battery was dead! I only caught about 1 minute of their little program and have NO pictures. So sad. But he did great and it brought a little tear to my eye because we love the women who have been his teachers and the care and consideration they showed him, even when he was being a little pain in the tush, and he loved them and his class.
Gwen's was two days later and this time I checked the video camera battery before leaving! I got her program on video and will try to download and compress that soon. Hers was not as emotional for me as she will be attending next year, but for her it was a bit harder because she loves her teacher and girlfriends so much. I'm going to try and keep up those friendships over the summer.
Then on Friday I took Elsa to the doctor for her 1 year checkup. She's indeed a wee peanut. Her stats:
Height: 27 3/4 inches - 5%
Weight: 17 lbs, 8oz - 5%
Head: don't recall exactly, but it was 90%!
She's doing fine all around, which is good to hear even when you already know it :)
Check out my next post for more....
1 comment:
I love her expression. Its this mix between humor, wariness, and skeptical. Her hair looks so red in this picture too!
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