This past week has been long for some reason. On Wednesday, we traveled to downtown Seattle to meet up with some people from my online message board. This is how I met my good friends April and Alyssa actually. Some others from Washington were in the area and we decided to get together. You'll have to read all about it on April's blog... it was quite the adventure getting to the meeting site but we had such a good time. Its a unique experience to meet people that you've known for years online. There is an instant level of comfort. Its nice.
Friday, my Mom took the kids overnight ('cept Elsa of course) and I made one of my favorite meals for dinner. We hit Baskin Robbins for dessert and both zonked out by 9. We are SO old! Saturday, we bummed around, went out for lunch and headed over to my Mom's for dinner and a party in the late afternoon.
Grammy and Elsa (by the way, I have my replacement camera now. Yay!).

My cake (the candles shape the number 30)

I was blessed to receive some great gifts. American Cookery, by James Beard. A wonderful book of recipes and historical information on the origins of American cuisine. A truly delicious bar of chocolate flavored with espresso. Probably one of the best bar chocolates I've ever had! Also, a few folks combined funds and purchased me a ruffler foot for my sewing machine which will come in handy.
Speaking of sewing, I finished my latest project for Gwennie. It's a little too big but since she's growing so fast its no problem. It has that big old ruffle on the bottom which gave me fits! I had to gather 108 inches down to around 40. I hate hand gathering. So the ruffler foot that will arrive shortly will be sooooo welcome. I have two girls. There will be lots of ruffles in my future!

Happy Birthday, Kristi.
I love that dress.
I suppose I do need a girl so that I can dress her all cute and stuff.
What pattern is that? May I ask? It is beautiful!
Elsa's puppy dog eyes are adorable! All Gwen needs is a bonnet and she would be from Little House on the Prairie.
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