Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Here are the pics of the kid's rooms. They're still pretty plain and not everything has been put back in place, but you get the general idea.

Ethan's room (my former sewing room).

He has a beautiful vaulted ceiling and window, but tricky for window coverings. We'll get a half circle cellular shade by spring time as this window west and gets very hot in the summer.

Gwen's awkward room. I haven't put up her curtains yet, so she still has the scruffy roller blind.

This is what's making it so awkward... the crib. If we take that down, everything fits nicely.

Today was Gwen's first day of gymnastics class. She posed ever so nicely before starting class, yelling "CHEESE" loudly and making everyone laugh :)

She is the only "new" kid (the other kids have been going for a few sessions already) so the teacher introduced herself and Gwen hugged her. Miss Jean loved that!

I couldn't take pictures of the class because I couldn't see. They do have tv cameras set up though so you can watch them from the waiting room.

At one point, the class walked from one gym to the other and passed the waiting room. The teacher asked me if Gwen had ever taken a gym class before. I replied that she hadn't and the teacher was very surprised! She said Gwen was very athletic and coordinated. She also said she was very good at following directions. Well, my chest puffed up just a little bit :)

After class Gwen got a stamp on her hand and a coloring page. She ran out to me and immediately said, "I want to do it again!" and pointed to the gym.

While we were paying, the lady asked if Gwen was in pre-school and I said no... she commented that Gwen was very social and responsive and she was really impressed. I puffed up some more. That's my girl!

I did decide that once she's old enough, and if we decide to keep attending this gym, I'll move her immediately into a longer and more advanced class. It was obvious that what they were doing was too easy for her and she was just getting in the groove after 30 minutes, and then it ended. They have a trampoline and tumbling class for 3 year olds and I think this is more her speed.

On a totally unrelated note, the kids are in a super affectionate stage towards each other. They cuddle on the couch, hug each other when they part (like for school) and when they meet up again afterwards. They often say "I love you". So sweet. Of course, when they fight, they FIGHT. But at least when they're sweet, they're really sweet :)

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