Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Sooooo... here's my new hair

This isn't the best pic and my hair hadn't even been brushed yet but its really much shorter than I asked the lady to cut it. About 3 inches shorter. However, my hair feels so light and healthy right now that I can't be too upset. Jason on the other hand is quite miffed and is going out of his way to make me feel bad for having it done (even though I told the girl not to cut it too short!).

Mom came over and watched the kids, Shelly and I went out. We went to Target and got the various things I needed and some things I didn't need but bought anyway, including a Polywog suit for Ethan, an adorable sunhat for Gwen and a mirror that Gwen is positively CRAZY about.

We weren't able to find any water shoes, or even cheap sandals to wear in the water at Chelan, so I ended up getting some $5 mesh ballet slippers to wear. Better than my feet being poked by sharp rocks I guess :)

Tonight we had a tasty and easy Oven BBQ Chicken recipe with mashed potatoes and green beans.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are a beautiful woman, honey.