Monday, September 12, 2005

Ugh. Why can I not snap out of this dreadful state I'm in? I'm back to no patience, short with the kids, and a general feeling of life sucking. I even told Jason today that I wanted to look for part-time work. I can't stand being in the house all day, or dealing with the kids all day. Just no more patience to deal with the little things. They aren't being bad kids, I'm just being an incapable Mommy. When I try to find a reason for it, I can't really pin it down. If its not one reason (lack of sleep) its another (Gwen being fussy all the time) or another (my messy house). I feel like I'm constantly hitting my head against a wall.

On a different subject, I've gone soap-free on the kids. Both of them have been suffering very dry skin... and it was made even worse by the trip to Chelan. The air in E. Wa is very dry, and their skin got rough and scaly. So, I'm trying a new trick I heard about where you don't use soap. I just scrub them with a washcloth and rinse very well with the detachable showerhead. I'm only washing their hair once a week. So far, so good. They smell clean, they look clean, and their skin is so much softer. Its great.

Thats all I have to say tonight. Sorry its not more interesting.

Oh, we've been having issues with the photo albums. One of these days we'll have pics

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