Yesterday I woke with a scorching headache. I took prescription stuff, 3 tylenols and chased it with a huge coffee. Eventually it eased so that I could see clearly and have some cognizant thought. However, I could feel it just lurking, waiting for the migraine meds to wear off.
We had planned to do our family pictures yesterday and I'm glad that I was able to get through the headache to get them done. It took a lot of work to get a time and get there so I wouldn't have wanted to try again. The kids were cranky, the lady was new and I was high on drugs, so after about 45 min we got only 4 decent pics.

After these were taken, we tried to get a holiday pic of just the kids but it was so not gonna happen. The kids started crying and didn't want to sit still.
After we got home I put the kids down, but Gwennie wouldn't sleep. While I was dealing with her, my headache came screaming back all of a sudden. I had to leave the room and lay down immediately. Imagine someone ripping your brain apart and that's what it felt like. Ouch. Luckily Jason was able to care for the kids and went out and got dinner while I slept. I probably slept almost 2 hours, then got up to handle the kids then went back to bed.
Today I felt much better, thankfully. My Mom came over at 11 to babysit while I did shopping. I hit Costco first and spent a unholy amount of money, though in my defense 1/4 of the cost went to one of Jason's Christmas presents. I did also buy the softest sweater ever created (I lurve it!) and a blazer that will go back cuz it just doesn't look right. After I was done there I headed to Fred Meyer to pick up the few things I couldn't get at Costco.
While I was out it started snowing and kept up pretty heavily. By the time I got home it was accumulating slowly on the grass, though the roads were still clear. Jenni and I unloaded the car, then Mom help me put away all the stuff. We got a call from Grammy & Grandpa who wanted to stop by since they were in the area. Mom left soon after they arrived as she was nervous about driving in the snow.
For dinner we had pork chops in a mustard sauce with twice baked potatoes and spinach. Mucho yummo.
1 comment:
Oh my gosh , What beautiful family
pictures.I think my favorite would have to be the first one.
Here is my Christmas wish list :) I would like and 8 X 10 or larger of the first picture, and a wallet of all of them or at least the first one.
The kids just get cuter and cuter.I can hardly wait to see them.Do you guys know when you'll be coming to Spokane yet?
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