No strength or time for details at present, but here's our new little girl. She is still nameless :) Born at 8:02pm, 8lbs, 1 oz (biggest baby of the 3) and 17 3/4 inches (shortest baby of the 3). Almost nothing went according to plan. It was kinda crazy. Kids met her at 10pm last night and after some inital apprehension are head over heels in love with her and didn't want to leave. More later.
Oh. SHE HAS BLONDE HAIR! Talk about a surprise.

She is a great nurser though.
Congrats, Horn family!
Kristi you look GREAT! I can't wait to meet you newest little one. :) I'm so excited for you all.
Congratulations you guys! I can't wait to see her in person! When you feel up to it we nee mor pictures without the hat so we can get a look at that hair!
We love you! give our new girl a big kiss and give Ethan and Gwen big hugs and kisses too.
Love, Angela, Chris, Matthew and Jamie
You look amazing, Kris! So glad prayers were all answered and babe and you are fantastic!
Love you!
Sheesh Kristi! You look SO good! Congrats to all of you!
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