Monday, October 24, 2005

I need to create a macro for my blog. Hit a key and these words would magically appear:

No sleep last night. I'm cranky

Haven't I uttered some form of that in every single blog?

Anyway, we didn't do much today. Our day was thrown off because Gwen got up at 5 when Jason got up and wouldn't go back to sleep but since she'd also been up at 2 and 3 I was so not ready to get up. We kept working at it and finally at 6:30 she went back to sleep until 8. That threw off the rest of our schedule, but we got by. The kids, thankfully, napped well.

Ethan turned 19 months 2 days ago, and tomorrow Gwennie turns 6 months. Wow. Tomorrow I take her in for her doctors appt, then afterwards her and I go to my OB's about my depression. Mom is coming to watch Ethan while we're gone.

I watched a good movie called Crash. Its hard to explain, but its about racial biases and how the lives of like 15 people interweave with each other and how their actions result in other actions. Ok, I'm not making it sound that good, but it really really is. Highly recommend it.

I'm becoming addicted to my message boards. Its not posting, just reading. In fact, I've had very little motivation to post, but I just can't stop reading. Sometimes I have to force myself away. Its because I've set up my computer to be my stress reliever so I strive to get to it whenever I can. Trying to wean myself a bit :)

Right now I'm staring at my knitting and wondering when I will ever finish Gwens blanket. I've been working on it for well over a year now. It really should only take like a month to finish, but I just can't get more than a few rows in before I fall asleep or get interrupted.

Off to bed to get as much sleep as possible before Ms. FussyPants wakes up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your blog...

I'm addicted to the message boards too...see you at!