Saturday, October 08, 2005

I'm really down right now about stuff I can't put on here.

Today we putzed around the house... cleaned it up a bit, worked on the dog kennel, caught up on TiVo.

The kids took really good naps (and both slept through the night, yay) and were in decent moods all day, which was a nice break.

Gwen's earring don't seem to be bothering her at all, but Ethan noticed them and keeps trying to touch them, which makes me nervous.


Emily said...

hi kristi - i was just blog surfing and came across your journal. i find your blog to be particularly interesting as i am married, but we don't have children and i am working on my career right now. the plan is that when we have children, i will be a stay-at-home-mom. i am always interested to hear about women who made the decision to stay at home and how you feel about the decision, etc. if you have some time to share with me your perspective, that would be awesome. Thanks!

Kristi said...

Emily, if you want to email me at, I'd be happy to speak to you! Take care.