Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I'm feeling rather blue, so this will be short :(

Went to OBGYN today for my 6 week followup. Everything is ok except for blood pressure which was still high. She would like me to see my GP for the headaches. She believes that if my blood pressure meds are upped, it may reduce their occurrence (currently they're about every other day). I got a prescription for Percoset though to kill the bad headaches that won't respond to anything else, so that's good.

Went to FM while waiting for prescriptions to be filled. Ended up buying some summer clothes for Ethan and, foolishly, buying some clothes for myself. Hence, the depression. Only one of the items I bought fit right and even it was not *that* great. It seems that no matter what I buy, in what size, the proportions aren't right. Either its too tight around the bust and too loose around the waist, or the opposite. Am I some sort of alien shaped creature? Waaaah!

My Mom and Jenni had cleaned the house up for me, put away laundry and did other assorted helpful tasks. Love 'em for it. Unfortunately, its been real rainy and the dogs tracked in dirt after only an hour or two of clean house.

Kids were real fussy tonight and dinner took forever to make for some reason... Homemade Mac & Cheese w/ Ham & Peas. Maybe it just seemed like forever because everyone was crying at me. Ugh.

Too crabby to type anymore. I'm headed for bed.

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