Ethans stats are
Weight: 24lbs, 12 oz (60%)Gwens stats are
Height: 33 in (95%)
Head: 47.5 cm (60%)
Weight: 9lbs, 9.5oz (25%)They both got the same 4 shots. Ethan has had no reaction so far (he's never really had any type of reaction), but Gwennie did not fare so well. At first she was just sleepy, but about 4 hours ago her leg got all swollen where 2 of the shots were given and she was just crying and crying. She would relax for a moment, then tense up... her little eyes open so wide with fear, and start screaming. Scared me to death. Jason picked up some Tylenol on the way home and once we gave to that to her she's been ok. Sleepy, but ok. I hate shots.
Height: 22.5 in (60%)
Head: 37.8cm (25%)
Because of Gwens reaction, dinner was delayed till about 8. Jason had already eaten at his work BBQ, so Ethan and I had grilled pork chops with an italian relish and spinach on the side. This relish is basically an italian salsa. Chopped tomato, red onion, garlic, red wine vinegar, olive oil, basil, oregano. You're supposed to marinate the pork chops in the relish juices, but no time for that. Still turned out good, and Ethan ate tons.
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