Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Some strange thoughts lately. I read a horrible story yesterday about a 7 week old girl who was sexually abused. After I read this story, I felt immediately that I should see if she was available for adoption. Not just her, but her 2 year old brother (who had also been beaten) as well. I've never seriously considered adoption, but thought it might be something to consider in the far far future, so it was surprising to me that I felt such an urge to check it out. I even dreamed about it last night.

I did some checking today with the lady who reported the story, as well as the city that the girl lived in. She has recovered and is currently in foster care, awaiting adoption, no word on her brothers status. I was given information on contacting the adoption services if I wished, with the understanding that an interstate adoption (these kids are in Ohio) would be the states second choice. I mean, it could be all moot anyway. What am I thinking, two infants and two toddlers right? Its just bizzare that this has been in my thoughts constantly since reading the story. I don't want to say its a sign or something because heaven knows I often have random ideas pop into my head, but it was such a strong feeling... I've asked God that if this is something he wants me to pursue to have Jason bring it up the topic and then be open to the idea. I mentioned it to him briefly today and he said we'd talk about it when he got home, so I'm leaving it at that.

So, now that you all think I'm crazy.... ;) Today we didn't do much. It was a lovely rainy day. We walked to get the mail, and astonishingly, a man found it necessary to flirt with me as I was walking. Flattering! I guess two kids isn't necessarily a turn off, LOL! Good for the ego. Did a laundry, did a little cleaning.

We had a delish Tuscan-style grilled chicken sandwich. It had a pesto mayo, grilled chicken, tomato, artichoke hearts, mozzarella and baby greens. Had it with grilled yellow squash on the side. Very filling yet healthy.

Tomorrow we are off to the pediatrician for Gwens 2 month and Ethans 15 month appointments. Always a bit of dread since shots will be administered. I am very curious however to see how their growth has been.

We've been trying to firm up vacation plans. We can't decide if Lake Chelan would be too much work. Well, we KNOW it will be too much work, but will the enjoyment outweigh the work? My thought is that its only going to get harder since next year both kids will be walking. At least one of them is still completely restrainable :) If we do go, it would probably only be for a couple days. I hate to miss any time over there because it could either burn down or be sold at any time and we'd never get another trip :( That will be a sad sad day indeed.

Mom and I were talking about doing a camping trip too... Just a long weekend thing. Their church campout is the first of August and we may do that, since its so close to home. I'd also like to go to the Oregon coast as I love beach camping and Les & Karen live down there too. We may forgo the camping part and just crash at their house :)

Well, Gwen is fussing so I'd best be off.

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