Monday, June 13, 2005

I absolutely must remember that any meal that takes 3 hours to make and 5 minutes to eat is not worth it, especially on a weeknight. We had a roasted turkey breast, mashed tats and stuffing. As is her normal way, Gwendolyn woke up just as I started eating, so I had to gulp it down quickly and take care of her. She does this every night, which is rather tiresome. I would like occasionally to eat my meal slowly.

Managed to get some housework done today, which was nice. I had the urge to make something, so I ended up making chocolate chip cookies, which is not good. Choc chip cookies are not helping my diet. But what else can I make when I have the urge to bake? Its truly a curse for a person who loves to cook and bake to have to diet as well. Cruel.

Yesterday we went to my Moms house for a little get-together with Dad's cousin and his wife. We had never met them before, but they were very nice and easy to get along with!

Ethan has discovered his tongue and its always sticking out. Its pretty cute when he's trying to do something requiring concentration, he'll stick that little tongue out, as if its helping him focus. He'll even stick it out and touch it when you ask him where it is. Unfortunately, he also likes to go after other peoples tongues, and generally, people do not want dirty little toddler fingers in their mouth :D

I feel a headache coming, so I'd better log off. Cross fingers that it won't stay with me overnight!


Anonymous said...

I think the smell of food wakes babies up. All of my kids did this as well.
Baking chocolate chip cookies is one of the many things you do tat make you such a great mommy :)

Anonymous said...

oops forgot to sign...that last comment was mine